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网站首页 > 行业新闻 > 三防漆膜厚测试规范


发布日期:2016-06-16 内容来源于:

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1. 目的purpose: 

控制产品三防漆涂覆均匀、一致性,达到客户膜厚要求范围,确保产品品质。To control uniformity of coating, meet customer requirements of thethickness of coating, ensure the quality of the products.

 2. 范围scope: 

 本公司使用的自动涂覆工艺。Automatic coating process in our company. 3. 职责Responsibilities 

3.1 工程部:技术要求及各项参数的制定;Engineering Department: setting technical requirements andparameters; 

3.2 生产部:按涂覆作业文件作业;Production department: operating according to SOP 3.3 品质部:对三防漆涂覆层厚度进行抽检;Quality department: Checking thickness of coating  


4.1 三防漆(Conformal coating):是一种特殊配方的涂料,用于保护线路板及其相关设备免受环境的侵蚀,从而提高并延长它们的使用寿命,确保使用的安全性和可靠性。Conformal coating is a special ingredient of coating, used forprotection of circuit board and related equipment against being eroded , so asto improve and prolong their service life, ensuring the safety and reliability.

4.2 磁性测厚法:当测头与覆层接触时,测头与磁性金属基体构成一闭合磁路,由于非磁性覆层的存在,使磁路磁阻发生变化,通过测量其变化量,可测得其覆层的厚度;Magnetic 

measuring thickness method: when the probecontact the coating, sensors and magnetic metal form a closed magnetic circuit, due to the non magnetic coatings, themagnetic circuit reluctance to change, by measuring the variation can bemeasured the thickness of coating; 

4.3 涡流测厚法:利用高频交变电流线圈中产生一磁场,当测头与金属接触时,金属基体


current measuring thickness method: usinghigh frequency alternating current produces a magnetic field in the coil, whenthe probe in contact with metal, metal will produce eddy current, and has afeedback effect on the measuring head, through the feedback effect can bemeasured the size of the thickness of coating 

5. 内容Content 

5.1 测试板准备:Preparingtest board: 

5.1.1 将标准的测铁板或铝板表面清洁干净,不能有任何杂物;Cleaning the surface steel 

or aluminum board , there can be norubbish; 

5.1.2 对清洁好的测试板进行烘烤,去掉水份;Baking the test plate cleaned for removing the water; 

5.1.3 测试板上不能有凹凸不平现象,如有更换测试板。The test board can not be uneven, Replacing the testing board, Ifthe board uneven. 

5.2 测试仪的校准(我司采用的是磁性、涡流综合测试仪):calibrating the gauge (It is used the magnetic, eddy current gaugein our company) 

 5.2.1打开涂层测厚仪(GT8102)“ON”键,自动恢复上次关机前的参数设置,仪器自动进入待测试状态; Press the ON key to switch on the gauge. The gauge will restore thestate of last operation itself. 

 5.2.2 在待测状态下将探头垂直压在待测铝板或铁板上,屏幕上会显示《*.**um》,然后按下“zero”键进行零位校准 ;在校准过程中探头一直压在基体上,直到屏幕显不(0 cal)后才能提起探头。Place the probe on  the substrate or an uncoated standardsteadily. the screen will display "*.**um", Press the ZERO key and “0 CAL”will be on the disply before liftingthe probe.    


 5.2.3 重得校准2-3次后可以开始测试状态。Calibrating 2 - 3 timesbefore the beginning of test . 5.3 喷涂Spray 

 5.3.1 自动喷涂机调入对应生产机型的参数文档 Open  the corresponding production model programrestored itself 

 5.3.2 将测试铝板或铁板放入自动喷涂机中进行喷涂,喷涂时查看其喷涂是否均匀(透过紫光灯检查);Put the board of aluminum or steel into the automatic spraying ,checking the coating is uniform (checking by ultraviolet lamp); 

 5.3.3 检查好后过烘烤炉进行固化。Roast by oven after checkingup. 5.4膜厚测试: thickness test: 

5.4.1测试铝板或铁板表面三防漆固化后用校准后的膜厚测试仪测试,其膜厚是否达到公司规定标准,如客户有要求标准厚度,按客户要求执行。Measuring the thickness of coating. If customer offers standardthickness, execution according to customer requirements.  5.4.2如检查厚度符合要求后方可批量喷涂,如低于其厚度要求则要按5.3.1-5.3.3重复,直至达到要求范围后方可大量喷涂;Checking thethickness before the mass manufacture, If the thickness is less thanrequirements, repeat 5.3.1-5.3.3 until it reaches the requirement 

 5.4.3批量喷涂的产品IPQC要对其进行膜厚抽测,每个机型1次,测厚度要记录于《喷涂膜厚测试记录》表内。IPQC should inspect random one time for every batch . Make arecord  in the " Thickness ofCoating Record ". 






5.5 膜厚工艺要求:thethickness requirements   

丙烯酸类Acrylic(AR ): 0.025-0.075mm [0.98-2.95mil] 

环氧树脂类Epoxy resin(ER ):0.025-0.075mm [0.98-2.95mil] 

聚氨脂类Polyurethane(UR ): 0.025-0.075mm [0.98-2.95mil] 

有机硅胶类Silicone rubber(SR): 0.025-0.2mm [0.98-7.87mil] 

        如客户有特殊要求按客户要求执行。If customers have special requirements, execute according tocustomer requirements.  

5.6 注意事项:notes: 

5.6.1 我司膜厚测试仪只能用铝、铁材质; the thickness gauge can only use for aluminium, iron material; 

5.6.2 测试前必须要进行校准;Mustbe calibrated before use; 

5.6.3 通常仪器的每次读数不完全相同,因些在每一个测试面积内要取5个读数,对应的 值求平均值。Every value measured usuallyis not exactly the same, so get 5 value at the same area. Calculate theaverages of the values. 

5.6.4 测试铝板、铁板要求表面平整、干燥。The board of aluminium and iron must be smooth and dry. 

5.6.5 测试仪出现较大误差时可以恢复出厂设置再重新校准:

   同时按住“ON”和“F/NF”键,先放开“ON”键,间隔1秒钟后再放开“F /NF”键,屏幕一稳定直显示“8888”时,再按“ON”恢复出厂设置成功。 restore factorysettings : 

At the same time, press the "ON"and "F/NF" button, open up the "ON" key, at intervals of 1seconds after the release of "F/NF "key, the screen shows a steadystraight" 8888 ", then click" ON "to restore the factorysettings. 

相关标签: 炉温测试仪 炉温跟踪仪 DATAPAQ炉温测试仪 KIC炉温测试仪 苏州三奥电子

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